Friday, December 11, 2009


** I'm following in my friend Kristen's footsteps. It allowed me to occupy my mind for a bit and hopefully you will let it do the same for yours***

1. My ex is... one of my closest companions.

2. I should learn to... be more patient. It’s hard to control and as much as I try inefficiency and stupid people set me off.

3. I love... everything that you’re supposed to. Sun-worshiping, the ocean, my puppy who loves me back unconditionally, company and conversations that leave you feeling that there wasn’t enough time spent together, movies that make me forget where I am, books that smell good and are fascinating enough that I don’t have time to analyze how the words are written, music that makes you stop what you’re doing just to listen it match your heart beat.

4. People would say that I am... the person you go to when you want the cold, hard and brutal truth.

5. I don't understand... how people can abuse books, math and why we need imaginary numbers (if they are imaginary can I just imagine they don’t exist?), why my puppy feels the need to follow me into the bathroom (is he making sure the toilet doesn’t swallow me?), how people can park crooked and then leave their car without giving me any room to get into mine (yeah see that key mark on the passenger side, your welcome) ::grin::

6. When I wake up in the morning... I look at the ceiling and hope that I still have a couple hours before I have to get up.

7. I lost… my sense of worth once.

8. Life is... strange. You never know what’s going to happen.

9. My past taught me... a lot but not enough to help with the unknown of the future.

10. I get annoyed when... stupid/ungrateful people get advantages that they don’t deserve, when people drive slowly, when people “dog-ear” also known as folding the top corner of the page or fold the paperback book in half destroying the spine of their books (buy a bookmark and show the author some respect).

11. Parties... are when 3 or more people get together with food, drinks and music. : ) I miss the grand parties from the movies, where people dressed up and the object wasn’t to get piss ass drunk and make a fool of yourself.

12. I wish... to have the kind of everlasting love my grandparents have with each other with another person. Also that they stay with us until I can find that love, make babies and have them be a part of their lives, not like hold them as a baby but to have the ability for my children to have memories that would last into adulthood of their great grandparents.

13. Dogs and cats... have their own interesting personalities. Dogs crack me up and cats scare me (except for Rachel’s cat Missy to whom it’s taken me a yr to touch). Hey when you’re not exposed to cats at all during your life than yeah the unknown gets to be a tad scary. Dogs I know, so I have no fear, especially when you’ve been unexpectedly chased down by a pack of them.

14. My childhood pets... were fighting fish who were replaced one right after the other. All blue and all named Susie. Yeah I knew that the previous one had died and didn’t care, I liked the name and that’s how it stayed. Afterwards was Beastie, who bless his heart loved me and never realized that he was a grown German Sheppard and thus always tried to sit in my lap.

15. Tomorrow is... my final. But in a more poetic sense it’s another day to make more mistakes.

16. I have a low tolerance for... stupid people. Point blank.

17. If I had a million dollars... things would get paid off, first of all. And the rest will be spent for my sisters college education (if she needs it, I want her to at least try for some scholarships), for my mom to go to school full time, for my dad to do whatever he wants, for me to get my dream car … a Jeep, and then by that time if there’s money left over it will be invested or something. Idk I’ll deal with it when I get there.

18. I'm terrified of... being infested with some kind of bug, or having someone I know die, or living till I’m super old and being sound of mind but trapped in my body.

19. I've come to realize... the world is filled with stupid people and inefficient policies.

20. I am listening to... “As I Moved On” by Blue Foundation. The lead singer’s voice is haunting. I love it.

21. I talk... (say) exactly what I’m thinking.

22. My good friends... are just as strange as me. As they say “birds of a feather…”

23. My first kiss... was awkward.

24. Love is... something I hope to have.

25. Marriage is... something I have yet to experience. Everything in its own time.

26. Somewhere, someone is thinking... S**t!

27. I'll always be... “Emotional”. My thoughts and actions will always be tied to my feelings. Why is that a bad thing?

28. The last time I really cried was... when I was reminded of how a friendship used to be.

29. My cell phone is... a piece of crap!

30. Before I go to bed... I will terrorize my mother who is attempting to relax, criticize my sister who is in the process of completing a painting for school, rub my father’s bald head (which he hates) and kiss and cuddle with my puppy like he’s a stuffed animal (which he hates). LoL! basically tick off all of the members in my house.

31. My middle name.... is Carolina after my mother.

32. Right now, I am thinking... that all I want to do is sleep yet thoughts are attacking and won’t leave me in peace.

33. Today I... ate my best friends cooking and didn’t die. She tries.

34. Tomorrow I will be... eating sushi/gossiping with Adaza, taking my final exam, and drinking beers with Ken to celebrate the end of the minimester.

35. I really want to... stop trying to live up to other people’s expectations, write a novella that I want to share, read without feeling the need to analyze the text, and fall in love.

36. The person most likely to re-post this is... someone very bored.

37. The person least likely to re-post this is... someone who has something to do.

38. My relationship with my grandparents... is the greatest thing in my life. I adore every minute I spend with them. My Abuelita is always the one to listen to me even through my struggles with the language and the frustration I have not being able to be as eloquent as I am in English. She cheers me on when I tell her good news and consoles me without a word when my soul is hurting. My Abuelito is my hero. The man can spin a yarn faster and more detailed than anyone I have ever met in my life. He blesses me with his stories and reminds me that I am a “poderosa Maya” (a strong Mayan). The two of them have given me a childhood that kids can only dream of and have witnessed my growing into adulthood. I hope to have them forever.

39. My most treasured possession is... my family. We are messy and complicated but I would never trade them for anything in the world.

40. My favorite pictures... are of my childhood. That and the ones of me and my Madrina (godmother), they are few and she normally hates to smile in pictures but in the ones of us together you can always see the pearly whites.

41. I sing... surprisingly well. Lol.

42. If I were a crayon... I’d want to be used by a kid who is coloring for the first time. To be personally responsible for the first artistic experience they have is a privilege.

43. Someday I want to travel to... Australia. Two words… Great Whites.

44. I am wearing... jeans and a tank top.

45. My favorite class in my LAST semester... was my Telenovela as Literature class. Well that and my Dracula in Literature class. Both have helped me advance in my perception of film and novels. They were Fascinating and my professors were AWESOME!

46. My favorite language is… English for the way it is conveyed on the page (read Rudyard Kipling if you doubt me) and Spanish for the way it sounds when spoken.

47. It hurts... to see everything changing

48. I'm going to miss... the sense of security I once felt.

49. My profile picture is... of Alca on the porch in DC.

50. I need... to sleep peacefully. To write freely. And to live without regrets.

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