Saturday, May 30, 2009

Movie Night!

After a wonderful Dracula class (which I will definitely have to write about at a later time) Ken and I trenched through the wind and seemingly never ending rain to go to the movie theater. On a side note I am quite happy with the rain, I get to use my umbrella which my mom gave me for Christmas and only now have been able to use. Either way we made it into the theater and I simply felt robbed for having to pay 10 dollars for a movie. What is going on. We were there for a 5:10 showing and the price is 10 bucks?? I don't remember it being that much even a few years ago. And I refuse to buy any of the crap that they sell inside. Another 10 bucks for a bag of popcorn and a coke?? Thats inflation! Everyone knows that you can go to Publix and get a box of corn with 8 bags in it for less than $5 and a 2 liter of Coke for $2.

Enough rambling... We went in to see Terminator Salvation and while I was excited for the movie (which just to tell you had only 5 ppl in the theater it was so early in the afternoon) I felt that it was just good. It played into all of the things that we associate with the franchise, the amazing car chases, the androids going out for humans but it lacked I guess a little coherence. Maybe I should have re-watched the old ones before going to see it to which I say "my bad" but I still expected more. Theres the John Connor side of the story played by the ever so sexy Christian Bale and then the other of Marcus Wright, who is half machine-half human aka "halftie." lol. And of course the halftie has to find some chick whose human and bla bla...yawn. To be honest the thing that kept me going was the cg, those machines are sick! and Anton Yelchin who plays Kyle Resse. Hes a cutie! Plus it took me the 2hrs to realize where I knew him from which was Hearts in Atlantis, the movie based off of the Stephen King novel. Either way the movie finishes, promising a Terminator part 5 and 6 in the works with Christian Bale keeping his role as Conner for all. Good stuff.

Afterwords we snuck around and while "wandering" around the theater found ourselves in Pixar's Up which was AMAZING! Wow. The short at the beginning was great, the movie was great, the music, the animation, etc... I totally think that everyone regardless of age need to watch it. And balloons, they are so nice. I really couldn't get over it. What was funny is that from start to finish the whole movie theater was in tears. I know I was, the whole pair aspect of the movie reminded me of my Abuelitos who are defintely getting up there in age... although my Abuelito built the house for my Abuelita so move by baloon travel is not necessary.

From being in the clouds with the angels we dropped back to Earth, and then to hell, by grabbing a pair of seats to see Drag Me To Hell. I was surprised by the movie, don't ask me what I thought that it was going to be but definitely not the amount of "oral fixation" that encompassed the film. Everywhere you turn the fugly old lady is there with her corn colored teeth and beady eyes. Ewww. She was always finding some way to such on the main character, or exchange fluids, or put her hand into her mouth. I don't get it. The the ending, which I am not going to give away, is horrible. There are so many more ways to end it and still get the same effect with out needing to use some cheap cgi animation.

Overall I seriously cant complain too much considering the fact that I only paid for one movie and got to see three but in all reality the only one worth paying for was Up. The rest wasnt worth 10 bucks.

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