Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Starting with Sandra

After wanting to start this blog for some time now I have finally taken the first steps to beginning. Most of it came from the very well intended advice of my family and friends who see my lack of a blog something to be ashamed of considering my desire to write. The other is a the uncanny desire to quiet the numerous chaotic thoughts that surface in the little room my brain occupies.

So it seems appropriate to start tonight after seeing the wonderful Sandra Cisneros speak. We all gathered together in the Coral Gables Congregational Church awaiting her introduction. Big mistake. during the time that we were left to analyze our surrounding and a church which seemed quaint and cozy at the beginning slowly deteriorated to a mess of bad interior designing. It could not hold a torch to even the rattiest churches in Nica, the paint was crappy, the ornamental crosses oddly placed and Bibles congregated in between patrons as there was no shelf on the pew in front of you to lay them to rest. Finally she came out at 7:43, I know it was that time because the gentleman sitting behind me rattled off the minute as each one passed. Dressed in a Mexian Puebla dress she came out and read to us the new intro the the 25th Anniversary edition of The House on Mango Street. The intro delt with the idea of her mother and how she took them to public library, a favorite destination in my childhood and definitely one that my own mother was happy to oblige. But regardless of her speach she instantly put everyone at ease with the same soft speak and small dichos. I was in love. There were little interjections of things she said that made me think as an introvert...

"We all censor ourselves in different ways... write something that is too controversal to publish." Wow. Shes probably not the first person to say something along those lines but damn did it resonate in me. Idk. Just think about it.

The other was "Writer's block is simply writer's fear." Now thats some food for thought. She kept going on about these "buttons" which may not seem interesting for anyone other than other inspiring writers but basically she used it as an extended metephor for her writing. The "buttons" were her ideas, concepts, little paragraphs, etc that just floated everywhere. And when she is going to get up and start writing for the day she begins by choosing a "button" and going from there. You make a shirt, a blouse, etc as you extend the story.

Wonderful, God I love these one on one interactions with writers. Makes everything feel possible, feel that its worth doing. I hate the fact that I have to write for a class. It sickens me, especially since they are tailored specifically for the professor. Im more of a non-fiction type of fiction or rather an elaborated fiction and there seems nowhere to go from that point. The frustration builds, but besides that it was wonderful to have someone speak to me and be on the same page. (lol)

1 comment:

Gilion at Rose City Reader said...

Congratulation on starting your blog! The template is beautiful, so you are well on your way! Good luck to you!

And thank you for undertaking my Battle of the Prizes challenge. I look forward to seeing your reviews.